Original article By Brian D. Sparks | February 4, 2023 in Greenhouse Grower Magazine
Brian D. Sparks sat down with Lloyd, Candy, and Alex Traven to discuss how they set a path for the future. Peace Tree Farm is always looking towards and planning for the future whether it be successional transition planning, identifying new products, or applying new and innovative technologies into their operations.

Transitioning Peace Tree Farm towards the future includes the financial aspects of a transition as well as the transition of mindsets. Lloyd is stepping back in his role at Peace Tree and working to set Alex up for success 20 years down the road. Alex has been focusing on developing a solid organizational structure and team to support Peace Tree’s success.

In addition to successional transition, Peace Tree consistently aims to stay ahead of the market by offering a diversity of products to a diversity of customers. With a continued eye towards the future, Peace Tree Farm has been investing in alternative energy projects. The first includes a major solar power installation of a roof and multiple ground arrays this year aiming towards future carbon neutrality. The second project is looking towards installing hydrogen tanks as alternative fuel, utilizing an accessible byproduct of a local industrial process. The biological program at Peace Tree is a longer-term transitional approach as their innovative focus far ahead of the industry curve. Alex has taken the Peace Tree biological program to new heights and has thoroughly integrated the practices into the day-to-day operations of staff.
Read the full article at Greenhouse Grower