AngelFlare™ Black Angelonia
Summer Snapdragon | Intro Year: 2025
A new addition for our 2025 spring offerings, the Angelonia AngelFlare™ Black. Also known as Summer Snapdragon, this Angelonia can create a stunning contrast with the right companion plants. With dark black blooms, this heat tolerant plant is great for containers and landscapes.
Angelonia AngelFlare™ Black is available in our 2025 prebook in quarts. Check out our prebook in the link below to not miss out on this Spreading, Upright Annual to add a contrast of color to your spring lineup.
Propagation is Prohibited; US PAF
Additional Notes
Never-before-seen color of Angelonia
Heat Tolerant
Height: 8-12 inches
Spread: 12-18 inches
Space: 9-12 inches
Temp: 32
Ball Flora Plant
Grow Tips:
Water: Light
Fertilize: Once a week
Light: Full Sun
Peace Tree Program:
Garden Geek