The bronze-redish hue of the feathery foliage on this unique fennel creates a lovely contrast to the yellow flower heads. Fennel’s flavor resembles anise or licorice. Leaves make a lovely garnish, can be added to salads and all manner of meats, eggs, vegetables and sauces. The seeds are used in baked goods and tea, which is said to encourage milk production for nursing mothers. Chewing fennel seeds after a meal is popular in several cultures for assisting digestion and freshening the breath. Collect the seeds in the fall when they turn from green to light brown.
Dramatic ornamental edible background plant for the garden.
Peace Tree Organics
Easy to grow in moist soil with full sun. Re-seeds freely. Vigorous grower.
295 Park Dr W.
Kintnersville, PA 18930
Tel: (610) 847-8152
Fax: 610-847-5287
Email: info@peacetreefarm.com
Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Nov 25: Thanksgiving
Dec 25: Christmas