Rosemary’s pungent piney scent does indeed bring back remembrances of things past and is indispensible in the kitchen. It’s energy and effects are warm, stimulating and satisfying to the mind and body, being especially helpful for discomforts such as indigestion, rheumatism and poor memory due to coldness and poor circulation. Collect rosemary leaves and flowers to add to your bread, grilled and roasted meats, beans and winter soups. Add rosemary to potpourris, sachets and holiday decorations.
Prefers well-drained, somewhat gravelly soil and will suffer in wet, soggy soil. Prefers alkaline soil. Tender perennial: In zones below 7 bring indoors for winter. Older established plants may survive mild winters when well protected. For container growing, use clay pot large enough to accomodate the roots comfortable and cactus soil blend. To avoid root rot, water only after soil is dry to the touch.
Peace Tree Organics
295 Park Dr W.
Kintnersville, PA 18930
Tel: (610) 847-8152
Fax: 610-847-5287
Email: info@peacetreefarm.com
Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Nov 25: Thanksgiving
Dec 25: Christmas